Hey, are you looking for how do Messages works On OnlyFans? then you are at right place.
Messaging as you know is an integral part of our relationships right from our personal lives to professional and elsewhere. You are on a huge miss if you are not aware of the messaging aspect on OnlyFans.
Direct Message also known as DM makes you connect with your favorite content creator and also helps you as a celebrity connect with your audience and make your reach accessible and more personal.
There are a lot of ways where you can use this DM to earn more on OnlyFans. This makes you connect more personal, one with one interaction and at the same time opens ways for you to earn more just by good use of this medium. Let’s learn about it.
How does messaging work on OnlyFans?

Messaging works in the same way it happens on your WhatsApp, or other social media platforms like Facebook, and Instagram.
It is indeed a tool for private conversation where you can send someone a text message or audio, or video privately and those messages are or can only be seen by the one whom you have sent the message. Users here can send private messages to any content creator they follow or like.
Generally, these conversations are one-sided, but this is a great way to initiate the conversations. These cannot be seen by any other on their profiles or any other part of the page.
How can you use DMs to make more money?
There are ways through which you can also earn money as a creative content creator on OnlyFans. Let’s learn how!
Send a variety of media-

You must have heard of the phrase-” Variety is the spice of life”.
Ain’t that, right? You can send users a personal text, or sometimes just mix it up with videos, or a recorded voice note to incite and excite your users.
This will be more engaging and interesting to do as a creator.
Automated welcome message

Automated welcome message is again something that you can utilize to show some extra effort to welcome the new users to your profile.
Each time when a new subscriber lands on your page, he/she could be greeted with a hello, a little introduction with your feel to it. You can add media like audio, video, and images to make it look personal. To set automated messages, go to Settings> Chats.
Mass Messaging

Mass Messaging, as the name itself suggests, is sending a mass message to all of your fans altogether. For example, you have gone live, and it was great, now you wish to drop a Thank you note or whatever that you wish to say to all have those who have connected in that while, you can use mass messaging.
Just go to your homepage>click the message icon> click on the plus icon. You can use this feature during special occasions or days when you want to promote something, say something to all, or a few in particular.
Receive Tips

It is one big incentive that comes with Direct Messages. It depends on how much you interact with your audience personally.
The more the interaction, the more the chances for them to tip you for your service. You can also exchange content with tips from individual fans for something they want from you.
You can go all creative on this. People everywhere use this way to earn by giving others some advice in exchange for their counsel, advice, or suggestions.
If you are interested in these kinds of interactions, you can mention this as your pinned post on your page and offer your fans various services for the specific amount that you choose to offer it.
As a content creator on OnlyFans, you have the option to accept or not accept messages without the tip from people who do not follow you.
Creators who have a lot of followers have a high chance to receive a lot of messages from their viewers. Once you add value to your content, this will be a premium element that you can use to earn more money. To do this, go to Settings> Chats.
Send Paid Messages-

You can send your fans paid messages that are hidden behind the paywall.
They have to pay you to unlock that message.
This is one of the most popular ways on the platform to earn money both on paid and unpaid accounts.
This can be one of the best ways to earn money on OnlyFans.
You can use these ways to earn money via Direct Messaging on OnlyFans. Go creative, be personalized, and make sure to do what you have promised to offer in your Direct Messages with your fans to maintain your connection and build trust with your fanbase.
Use it to your advantage as a creator and utilize it in the best way to make your reach wider. Apart from all these, making it innovative and creative and a personal touch could pave a way for you to earn really good money out of it.
Finally, let’s find out a bit more through the Frequently Asked Questions that are going to clear some doubts for you.
Are OnlyFans DM automated?
Yes, OnlyFans Direct messaging is automated. Direct Messaging on such platforms helps the creators to grow as a community and offer services offered by the OnlyFans.
Can I delete a message on OnlyFans?
As of now, there is no Delete function on OnlyFans. Having said that, you can choose to block an account or restrict them from sending you a message.
Can you DM on OnlyFans without subscribing?
No, you will not be able to Dm on OnlyFans without subscribing. You need to take the subscription to direct message a creator. This is to ensure and help the content creator to keep updating their services and application on the platform and incentivize them. If you refrain from subscribing to a creator on OnlyFans there is no way you will be able to send him or her the message or her to text, you or them to text you back.
What happens to messages when you delete OnlyFans?
Messages that you send or receive on OnlyFans are backed by their server, however, they are not accessible to anyone by any means. Therefore, if you delete the OnlyFans, the entire message history will be automatically deleted too. If you wish to recover any data or text from your deleted message, you may want to connect with their customer care directly.